Friday, September 26, 2014

Follow-up: Something New at TLC

TLC's Jenny Douglas tests the prototype
You may recall this recent post, about a mystery prototype.  It is finally time for the big reveal!  iDesign's David Murphy, along with Ed Beck and Roger Neptune of iDesign Classroom, have been putting together a proof-of concept prototype of WVU's first light-board!
Ed Beck, checking the setup

A lightboard is similar to a whiteboard, but constructed of clear material, which is edge-lit by led lights. This can be used for shooting videos that let text appear to "float" next to (or in front of) the instructor.  We in the WVU Teaching & Learning Commons look forward to brainstorming innovative ideas for instructional use of this new device!
iDesign's Lydia Mong, decorating the lightboard


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